Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lola The Explorer!

Say hello to my turtle Lola...
She is a sea turtle from Australia! She hates long walks on the beach (prob because when she was born she had to find her from from the beach to the ocean, and man was that a long hike. Plus she almost got eaten by a sea gull.) However she does LOVE cooking, swimming, kisses, whiskey, Sailor Moon, and adventure!
 Her favorite Sailor Scout is Sailor Jupiter!
Her favorite movie is THE HOST! (Which happens to be one of my favorites, go figure.)

She likes to sneak into my pictures! She's such a little devil.

No one needs an explanation on why The Host is an amazing movie right? I's some evidence if you really need it. (Jake Abel....mmmmm soooo delicious)

So yeah don't take much to make me and Lola happy...turtles and tea cups, life is beautiful. So why did I introduce you to Lola? Because every month in a random picture on a randomly chosen post she will be hiding, and if you are the first one to spot her and e-mail me at I will send you a special prize via snail mail! Oh and go meet Lola's best friend CLARA THE OCTOPUS on <3

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