So with some encouragement from my best friend, I decided to start sharing my little Fashion and Beauty secrets with you all! I don't think I have the market cornered on fashion or beauty, but I like considering myself a Fashionista Badass, so here ya go! This page is dedicated to all the tips, tricks, and flips of being a badass when it comes to looking good ;)
Can you believe that's me in the center, long natural hair days, oh how I miss you...and then want to chop you right back off again! lol The girls and I got all painted up by Drag Queens for a special production event I hosted last year with my media network CMN (Candor Media Network)
Now a days I am rockin the BLONDE! Platinum all the way baby, just like my music ;) one day!
I have fun with my looks! Most girls hate themselves, their bodies, their eyes, etc...I used to be that way, but recently decided if I was stuck with me forever why spend so much time hating myself?
I love my green eyes, my bold makeup choices, my blonde hair, my fair skin! I love it all! I am even starting to love my BIG body!
I consider myself an earring whore, a shoe whore too but that's for another #BadAssFashionTip #1
GOLD AND CORAL ORANGE are always, and I mean ALWAYS sexy when it comes to earrings...
Don't be afraid to get a little Bollywood on em now! Wait until you see my Bollywood shoes, at least thats what all my Drag Queen friends call them lol But thats for another day!
So as with all of my childhood journals it is becoming painful obvious that when it comes to keeping up with this blog...I suck. But when it comes to style I am a total badass folks...check out my awesome gangster hat and earrings! Those earrings could knife a bitch, no joke, they really are sharp. i know because i have poked myself with them before lol
so as far as blogging goes I may be a little late but when you are this awesome it's better late than never eh? ;)
It's still National Poetry Month and I have been blown away by all the creativity, honesty, and beauty I have been finding everyday in spoken words posted on my fb and poetry books sitting on my shelf. Poetry has slowly regained it's place back in society, but unfortunately not in all areas that it should. Schools still don't emphasize the arts the way they should, instead we craft children into callous murders and empty vessels through extra math work and video games, broken choir chairs and the auditorium only being used for sports rallies. Don't get me wrong sports, video games, math they are all awesome, but so is music, poetry, chess, sculpting, cooking...where did these electives go?
The Poet of the day is a beautiful and talented woman named Rachel C Wiley. This spoken word performance is sure to stir questions in all who watch it. I have often asked myself these same stirring questions. I have on more than one occasion wondered and felt the same things she describes feeling in every word of this piece. Why can't we be FAT and BEAUTIFUL? Why are those 2 things considered opposites? Why is beauty something we define as a physical outward view, when true beauty is time and time again found WITHIN a person? I will let Rachel give you some insight...
Special thanks to Button Poetry, be sure to go subscribe to their channel
Welcome to America, you are FREE. The INS the OUTS, the GOODS the BADS, SPECIAL THANKS TO THE POET OF THE DAY! Branden Wellington! Btw it's still National Poetry Month all April long. What are some of your favorite poems? Spoken word, limerick, verse, sonnets...share them with me!
For more info on Branden subscribe to his channel here
I love how well he illustrates our countries problems but offers hope by encouraging us that what makes a country great is the true HEART of it's PEOPLE.
We've discussed tea parties and how fun they can be with the "little" people in your life ;) Now let's watch a lovely tea party with your best girlfriend unfold shall we? ;)
Tea parties are not just some time honored tradition that only pretentious people participate in anymore folks, TEA PARTIES are for everyone! If you love tea, comfort, cookies , friendship, cookies, atmosphere, cookies, conversation, oh and did I mention COOKIES?!!! ;) Tea parties are perfect for you. It's good to have plenty of options at a tea party, especially when offering the types of tea, however for this tea party we rightly chose "English Breakfast" from an amazing little store in town, properly named "The Tea Shoppe" find out more about it HERE:
Betcha didn't know that your tea could produce a storm with cream in it eh? ;) For a really cool video on how that works, follow me on the twitter ;)
Now for a tea party to be all levels of lovely, one must choose an appropriate friend. In this case, Sarah being the hostess, I was that beautiful, elegant, intellectual friend ;) (btw that's Sarah, my BFF!)
Sarah always throws the most lovely tea parties! She has this beautiful tea set and if you want to know where she got it, check out her blog
Throwing in some ambiance is key! Special shout out to my brother/Sarah's hubby Joe Quattrochi for these amazing photographs!
Now let me say that Sarah's tea party was absolutely wonderful! However I have included a picture below that illustrates some possible ways to improve the experience...
Those delicious cookies that I keep raving about are from a local bakery called Nonna's! It is divine! Heaven in your mouth folks, heaven. Find out more about Nonna's here:
Don't forget to be the life of the party! I always am of course ;) (I am not sure if this pic is saying: "No Paparazzi!" or "Wanna see what I got in this bag?"
Ultimately no matter what you do at a Tea Party be sure to enjoy it with people you love, who can lift you up and be just as comforting as the warm tea in your cup. I guess you could say, find people who are YOUR cup of tea ;)
(My best friend Sarah Barker: Author of "More Than Magic" due for release next year, blogger at, and amazing daughter, wife, and friend.)
Btw it's still National Poetry Month! And this is one of the best spoken word poems I've ever heard! Specials thanks to Kait Rokowski and youtube channel GUNATE
Let's get down to business shall we? Now please no one get your panties in a twist if you don't agree with these 5 toys as being absolutely amazing. Comment with some of your favs and I will feature them in a special READER'S TOY WISH LIST edition on my blog! (but just sayin, if you don't think these are awesome, you are probably the devil.) 5. Camden Rose Child's Play Baking Set
This baking set is amazing for many reasons. One of which is that you can really use it to bake! The bowl, cups, spoons, cutting board are all made from stainless steel, wood, and metal. And what makes this baking set unique is that it holds no gender bias such as pretty pink flowers all over it to ensure only parents with girls buy it. BOYS CAN BAKE hunty lemme tell you ;)
4. Hand Knitted Finger Puppets by GunayKulbay on
Why are these socially conscious? Well because they are made with 100% organic yarn, even the tools used were organic :) And by purchasing these from someone off etsy who handmade them you are putting money into the hands of an independant artist rather than a corporation who uses most of it's money to fund political campaigns for crooked congressmen ;) Kids will love these, and the fact that they are unisex and challenge the child playing with them to spark more imagination doesn't hurt either.
This is just so perfect. Ever take kids to the beach with those little plastic buckets and shovels and then when it's time to go home notice that half the toys are gone, sand covered or swept away by the ocean no doubt. Well with these bad boys you can relax, because these toys if left in the sand or ocean will break down. They are made of some kind of organic corn base substance, don't ask me...check out the website!
So artist Nikolay Lamm designed this amazing Barbie Doll, with real girl proportions. He's still trying to get the creators of Barbie on board with this, but if you want to know more about his amazing project or support him find out more here:
Books, especially well written ones that educate, encourage, and enhance a child's ability to understand and embrace the world around them has been and will always be the most socially conscious "toy" a child can receive. Such as the one pictured above about an extraordinary little girl named Jazz who is growing up transgender and trying to educate the world about why it's absolutely ok for her to decide her own gender journey.
Jazz's book is due for release in September 2014! But be sure to search her on youtube and google for more info on her amazing journey!
My good friend Jason, who is also a transgender, wrote an amazing book as well called My Mommy is A Boy, it comes from his daughter's perspective and is in terms children can understand and ultimately expresses that no matter what a person on the outside looks like, it's what's inside that matters, the love they hold.
So I hope you enjoyed this list of amazing kid's toys! Remember your children are learning from your choices, not what you say, but what you do. So make buying socially aware toys something they constantly see you DO. :)
So as I said before I love art. I even started an art society club here in Morgantown, WV called SNAE or Saturday Night Art Explosion. We choose one saturday a month and we drink wine, spray paint, sculpt, knit, cook, whatever the groups feels like doing because the motto or the philosophy of the group is that art is subjective and is based on the person's creative desires.
Anyway I recently started working on this piece as a goodbye present for my parents when I move to Portland, OR this coming Fall. The silhouette is of me in first grade. I spray painted the canvas with an abstractual design, placed the cut out in the center and I am hot gluing the flower and some gems on it. I hope they like it. My relationship hasn't always been good with my parents but as I got older I realized that my parents are a product of the things they went through. In forgiving them, I opened up a new way to appreciate them even when they act CRA! lol Tell me whatcha think. Do any of you like art? What kind of art do you prefer?
She is a sea turtle from Australia! She hates long walks on the beach (prob because when she was born she had to find her from from the beach to the ocean, and man was that a long hike. Plus she almost got eaten by a sea gull.) However she does LOVE cooking, swimming, kisses, whiskey, Sailor Moon, and adventure!
Her favorite Sailor Scout is Sailor Jupiter!
Her favorite movie is THE HOST! (Which happens to be one of my favorites, go figure.)
She likes to sneak into my pictures! She's such a little devil.
No one needs an explanation on why The Host is an amazing movie right? I's some evidence if you really need it. (Jake Abel....mmmmm soooo delicious)
So yeah don't take much to make me and Lola happy...turtles and tea cups, life is beautiful. So why did I introduce you to Lola? Because every month in a random picture on a randomly chosen post she will be hiding, and if you are the first one to spot her and e-mail me at I will send you a special prize via snail mail! Oh and go meet Lola's best friend CLARA THE OCTOPUS on <3
These are called BOTTELABRAS! I am an artsy fartsy kinda gal and my fav way to create art is by using stuff that most people throw out, mainly beer, wine, and liquor I am not a drunk. But I do have an awesome Etsy store you can go visit sometime if you're ever in the mood to peruse the internet for amazing one of kind FUNCTIONAL art pieces, jewelry, and decor ;) The Drunken Artist
I have a couple pieces up so far and plan on posting a lot more over the next few weeks!
ps. Guess what you can do with my Bottelabras...
Amazing right? Well there is more where that came from my #FranceyFriends :)
When I lived in Phoenix, Arizona some of my very best pals just happened to be who I consider the world's most gifted poets. We'd attend this amazing open mic called pink slip, I'd play my guitar and my buds would hash out rhymes and emotions I didn't even know anyone could dig down deep enough to find.
(from left to right: Jason Lalli, Cutie *he was to me anyway haha*, me, and Flipside)
These men were true travelers, people who navigated through words like exploring another planet.
Then afterwards we'd pile into someone's car, head down to an open parking lot, grab some drums and light a fire in a bin, pass around a few brewskis and jam. I'd play my guitar and share my lyrics and these beautiful men would lift me up in amazing ways. Poetry, music, thoughts, was like being in a magical dream where art was the language spoken by everyone and the world somehow knew peace beyond reason. You didn't even have to like the poetry or the music to absolutely love where you were.
And even more surprising was the amount of compassion you found yourself tucked safely in. These people started out as strangers just hours ago and now here you were at their mercy, fully trusting, without any real credit to that trust and yet as you walked/drove home that night, knowing you'd forgotten to get everyone's numbers, you would feel the sting kindred to that of losing a family member whom you are certain you may never see again, but yet somehow inside that sting, the experience sirened on, reminding you that this night, this one night, changed everything for you.
It was in Arizona that I became a campaign trail blazer for Ron Paul, one of the most inspiring men I have ever had the privilege to learn from. And it was there in Mesa on that very day that I realized how smart I really am. I found my wisdom.
It was there I left a real mark on the world...
It was there I rediscovered my love of history at Montezuma's Castle in the sandstone mountains and there I first began to embrace the fact that I was indeed a bisexual woman...
It was there I leaped just high enough to touch the top of the world itself.
However it was also in Arizona that a deep seated insecurity that I had long left buried down by jokes, extra feats of trying to prove myself, and all the "I'm fines" someone can push into one conversation that I also became haunted by 2 lies that I continued to repeat to myself over and over again for years (just now really starting to overcome it)
These lies were like termites inside of me, eating away all the good things. The passion for politics without corruption, the love of words and song that could change souls, the wisdom of history long passed, and the very top of the world that had been so easy for me to grasp before, suddenly slipped right out of my UGLY, SHITTY, WORTHLESS, NOT GOOD ENOUGH HANDS.
I had help in this disaster, accomplices, some of them I even called "family"...
"How many singers do you actually see that are fat? I mean at least not the popular ones."
"You just need to lose a few pounds and then you will feel great about yourself."
"If you are gay you will go to hell, please tell me you're not really gay?"
"You love the gays more than Christians! God is very angry with you and he needs you to repent."
These words were more than hard to swallow, they were choking me, cutting off the desperately needed air supply I needed...MY OWN SELF LOVE.
Please watch this wonderful spoken word artist named Melissa May describe an atrocity that happens all to often to some of the most beautiful women I know...
It has been a long uphill battle since I left the desert for the familiar sweet smell of the mountains in my birth home of Morgantown, WV...and those lies still creep around, they still tackle me to the ground, but the difference now...I get back up. No one, no one can make you see how beautiful and good enough you are, but YOU. I just hope fellow travelers that your journey to knowing that your value is intrinsic starts today...
(simple instructions to a killer kiddy tea party!)
The formula for an awesome tea party is simple. Tea+Adorable Cups+Charming Friends=PARTY! :) (and a few hats and feather boas never hurt either) Here are some pictures to illustrate...
Here we see the aforementioned TEA and ADORABLE CUPS
Charming Friends of course...
Feather Boas CHECK!
What am I forgetting? ...
Oh that's right! THE PARTY! Dawling Dawling! Pish Posh, Cheerio, and all that rot!
Tea Parties are an amazing way to make memories with the little girls in one's life, the best friends a girl could have, and really anyone who enjoys a good cup of warm herbal and silliness! As a feminist I am sure I am stepping on my own toes here by insinuating that only girls enjoy tea parties, but the moment one of my male friends asks to attend one, I will be the first to sound the victory alarm. ;)
All the amazing teas, photos, hats, and boas were enjoyed at The Tea Shoppe in Morgantown, WV! This place is amazing for tea party fun, take someone today and enjoy the best teas in the tri-state area!
The things I love and the things that inspire me vary from day to day, moment to moment, second to second. I have such a hodge podge mix of likes and dislikes. To try and categorize them all would be futile and exhausting so let's just start with one of my life's greatest passions and inspirations...
Her name is Abby :) Or officially Abigail Sophia Winchester ;) name inspired by my 2 favorite demon hunting brothers from sexyville USA! And why not? Look at them...I mean will ya just look at em! ;) hehe
*drooling in progress* ahem...ummm sorry, back to my life's greatest passion over here lol ABBY!
Abby loves the crook of my neck, it's her favorite place to cuddle. She also has to sleep right against my skin at night under the blankets. If I am wearing a big enough t-shirt, she will even crawl up my back under the t-shirt and curl herself into a ball. She likes to burrow out little nesting places for herself, half the time she must be convinced she's a bird...the other half, a much bigger dog. haha.
My angel has a personality all her own. She is loving and friendly but would knife a bitch if they hurt her Mama! She's never petty and always thinks I am beautiful. ;) At least that's what she tweeted yesterday....honest. #ByeFelicia
Ok so I am creepily in love with my dog, so what? There are worse things in the world to be right? Senator. ;) So do any of you have fur babies who inspire you?
Hi bright world! My name is Sha, but you can call me Francey! ;) 1st rule of Francey's world, don't question things that don't matter. ;) My best friend started a really cool blog all about her exciting and gorgeous style! As she showed me her awesome pictures and posts she gently suggested I start my own blog. "I have so many ideas." I said. "Where would I start? What would I even pin down to write about?" "Write about YOU!" She exclaimed. So here goes... :) <3
I am 29 years old going on 17 if I have anything to say about it...
I am not always a blonde but when I am, I'm also close to my 30th birthday and channeling my girl Miley Cyrus's badass mid-life crisis gone right! :) haha
Recently took the plunge into the euphoria of toe-head-dom. Lovin it so far, am I having more fun? Can't really say, I think fun as with many things is all a state of mind
I love to live! That may sound strange, but for much of my life I wasn't really living. I used to believe life was just happening to me, that I was a victim and could never have the adventure, romance, abundance, and joy I truly desired! WELL that all changed! I changed and so did the way I saw the world!
This blog is dedicated to the dreamers, the doers, the believers, and the never giver uppers, haha, who in this life truly want nothing more than to really LIVE! :) I hope ya enjoy all the little tidbits on here from #YUMtastic recipes for your cute #sexyasis body, hot button topics to make us question common #societyperspective, fiery inspiration to #ignite our victory flames, beautiful fashion posts to #dressthepart of your dreams and feel good in whatever your sexy a$$ likes to wear ;) teehee, and more!
I hope you'll share your passions with me as I share with you! Let's manifest dreams, create beauty, and experience genuine LIVING right alongside one another. :)